Participate in Research
Developmental Social Affective Neuroscience Lab
Psychology Research
Who is eligible? We are recruiting children and adolescents at ages 10 – 17 to take part in the study on the development of cognitive ability, mental health and personality in youth.
Compensation: $40
Location: 1600 Viceroy Dr., 7th floor (near Dallas Love Field airport)
In this study, you will:
- Visit the lab with a close friend.
- Complete a speech task on topics that do not have right or wrong answers.
- Complete questionnaires about personality, relationships and everyday
feelings during and six months after the lab visit.
Enroll online or email dsanlab2024@gmail.com for more information.
Developmental Neurolinguistics Lab
Research Study One
Who is eligible? Mothers of 2-year-olds.
What is the study? Our study investigates maternal supports/stressors and child language outcomes. We are recruiting working mothers (18 years or older) who have a child aged 24-36 months. In our study, you will complete surveys answering questions about demographic information, stress in your role as a parent and support in your role as a parent. You will be interviewed about your child’s language abilities.
How long is the study, and will I be compensated? The whole process will take about one hour, and you will receive a $10 gift card for participation. If you are interested in learning more about our study, please contact kmd130030@utdallas.edu.
Research Study Two
Who is eligible? Children ages 9–12 who are interested in participating in a language research study with us! They must be proficient in English, with no known developmental delays or disorders and in a household that qualifies for free or reduced lunch.
What is the study? We are exploring how children learn and process language. The testing is completely non-invasive, involving language and memory tasks, as well as an EEG during the second session.
How long is the study, and will I be compensated? Families will earn a total of $375 over four sessions. For more information or to sign up, email devneurolab@utdallas.edu or call 972-883-3164.